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        . . . in the classroom         
                                           . . . online, via *Zoom 

                                     It's YOUR Choice !

Click here to view a master schedule with all

classroom locations, Zoom sessions, and dates.


See below for course descriptions and booking links for each course

Basic Defensive Driving Course

Basic Course

Equips you with the skills necessary to survive on today’s challenging highways, and develop a mindset where driving is enjoyable.


Completion of the Basic Course will earn 3 credit points on your DE driver's license, and entitle you to a 10% discount on your automobile insurance (applicable provisions) for three years from your completion date.


Available via live classroom, or live online.


DMV Approved
Teen Defensive Driving Course

Teen Course

Provides instruction contained within the Basic Course, with additional techniques and guidance tailored for teen drivers and/or newer, non-teen drivers.


Completion of the Teen Course will earn 3 credit points on your DE driver's license, and entitle you to a 10% discount on your automobile insurance (applicable provisions) for three years from your completion date.


Available via live classroom, or live online.



DMV Approved Course
Refresher Defensive Driving Course

Refresher Course

Reviews key defensive driving concepts, while presenting new tactics and thought processes for crash avoidance.

(Formerly known as the "Advanced Course")


Completion of the Refresher Course will renew 3 credit points on your DE driver's license, and entitle you to a 15% discount on your automobile insurance (applicable provisions) for three years from your completion date.


ELIGIBILITY TO TAKE THE REFRESHER COURSE:  Students must have completed the Basic Course, Teen Course, or a previous Refresher Course within the past five years.


Available via live classroom, or live online.

DMV Approved
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